New Kalkhoff Range Coming Soon?



I see that Kalkhoff have expanded their range of e-bikes for 2009 Kalkhoff - my bike... Vollgefederte und sportgefederte Trekkingbikes, Citybikes und Offroadbikes

The most intersesting model is the Pro Connect S with a new higher performance Panasonic motor. It has 9 speed derailleur gears, front suspension and hydraulic brakes.

Another interesting model is Agattu Pedelec F which has new Panasonic front hub motor rather than the Agattu Pedelec C which uses the current crank motor

All other models now have 8 speed Nexus hub gears apart from the new non Panasonic powered Jubilee with a front hub motor and rack mounted battery.

Will all these models come to the UK?

J:) hn


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007
Interesting, John, they are beautiful bikes, but we may not see them here.
I'm assuming the fast model won't make it over here for legal reasons, unfortunately. I think it will be far better with the derailleur.
I also wonder if Khalkoff's UK distributor would want to stock hub motored bikes, given recent pronouncements on the subject!
My German is pretty basic so I wasn't sure if this meant that the current Agattu range would be replaced by these models or if both would continue side by side?


Oct 25, 2006
50cycles are bringing in the fast Pro Connect S model, but primarily for their US sales. It's possible they might consider selling to someone in the UK for off road use on private roads etc, but one would need to check that with them.

They've also said they are announcing exciting new models any day now, so I think we will see others like the Jubilee and Agattu F hub motor models. It would be good to have a front hub motor bike manufactured in Germany, even though the motor could well be Chinese.

The more the merrier, and as these include the present models with slight changes, I dare say this is the 2009 range complete.
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