Nationwide Integrated Transport Solution



That is very interesteing Nick. Any more details on the bike, i.e. performance, range, type of battery, costs and other components used?
Have you developed the electrics yourself?
That looks like one mega battery!

J:) hn


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
Frank, regrettably, no.


The battery pack holds 24 x 10 Ah Lithium Iron Phospate cells. Therefore its about twice the normal e-bike capacity. They are arranged in packs so they can be set up for different voltage/current combinations.

I have a 25 A charger at home and a travel charger that is 9 A.

The motor is a Crystalyte 406, which is direct drive - no gears or freewheel - in a 26" wheel.

There is some of my own electronics in the system but the basic motor controller is a Crystalyte off the shelf unit.

I've also got several other motor+wheels and controllers and batteries that I can swap in and out to test. In fact, I've got enough bits hanging around to build a couple more experiments.
