NANO BROMPTON conversion


Finding my (electric) wheels
Sep 2, 2018
Hi, I posted elsewhere in this forum but I'm hoping one of you reading this has had the Nano conversion fitted to their Brompton. I have converted my bike and would like an answer to this question. When I spin the front wheel it rotates around 5 times. On my wife’s unconverted Brompton it spins over 26 times. Is this normal amount on a converted bike?. I tend not to use the battery until i need a boost so would like it to ride as near as normal. So anyone with the Nano conversion could spin there wheel for me it would put my mind at rest.
I hope this makes sense. No one I know owns an electric bike so I am a newbie. Many thanks


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
Some motors, when new, can be a bit tight. My own Ezee front hub was, put a couple of hundred miles on it and it will ease up.
I'm assuming you've checked the brake for any drag?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Some hubs may need running in to lose their tightness, the internal clutch should allow free rotation of many more revolutions, as Ben has mentioned check for any other reasons for slow rotation that may cause drag.
The LHS on a hub has a end plate sealed bearing if the inboard axle nut is very tight then it can put pressure on said bearing, one could try releasing it by a 1/4 or half turn to see if it helps. Also make sure when tightened in the dropouts that they are pinching the hub and washers are placed correctly.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Sep 2, 2018
Thanks for taking the time to reply, i will take it to someone who can give it a quick once over and mention your thoughts .