Moderation: 'What's going on'

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Staff member
May 19, 2011
This forum is moderated in line with both what we are required to do legally and what we see fit in terms of running a forum.

We are not here to censor without reason or indeed to appease advertisers; the integrity of the forum is paramount - both for us and for advertisers - as this is what will keep it popular.

We have a responsibility to ensure that anything presented as fact is correct. At times we will remove a thread or phrases within a thread while we ascertain the correct facts. If a complaint is made, we may reserve the right to reinstate wording after our own investigations. Where personal attacks are made, they will be removed too, whether made by individuals or advertisers. This moderation is in line with our terms and conditions.

While there are some who genuinely want to discuss issues, two people have wanted to cause trouble. Their manner on the site and towards Pedelecs is unacceptable and after repeated warnings they have been banned. For those who think they are in possession of all the facts based on looking at the forum, we simply say "you aren't".

We will not tolerate such behaviour as it's important that the forum remains live first and foremost, but also that it is a pleasant, constructive platform for discussion. If anyone has any concerns or queries please get in touch.

Pedelecs UK
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