i am glad to have found your forum. Here in germany i found no similar forum on pedelecs.
I am 42 and i have a distance 0f 25 km (15,5 miles). i have to go back and forth.
i do it with a "race"bicycle .
but sometime it is just too much so i take train + busses but it is expensive and not so flexible (few busses)
and i think about "save the earth, dont use gas" and i think about "cheap cheap electric bicycles are cheap in electrical consumption"
so i am a potential buyer of pedelec
so welcome to the jungle
EVERY buyer tells me that his product is appropriated for me because of "bla bla bla theory"
then i have bought a german bike (rex ebike) + china motor (suzhou bafang) + led battery. it was cheap somehow, 500 euros. but after 6 months i gave it back (thanks God it was possible). The bike had only 3 gears, it was not possible to work with my muscles (too heavy or too light) and many cheap parts of the bioike went broken and sometime the motor didnt work (overheat, bad quality?)
So now what?
i am standins in front of more than 20 companies and bikes
and no really possibility to test and to give back what is not good for me
so maybe your theoretical and experience information will help me
1st question:
- comparing with a "racebike" how good, bad, better, worst is a pedelec for the "sport" effect. Imean, with the race bike i still have to grow in relationship to bicycle and health, how i can do what for my fitness. When i have time and i am fit i will cycle with my racebike and invest the money there, until i understand better bike+fitness. And what happens with your pedelecs? which effect has it on health? of course you are everytime "outside" "fresh air" + you are "cycling with your muscles if you want". but thast is the point. Is it not possible to have a triathlon position with motor in front? (too heavy for motor and front wheel), if the motor is in the middle you cannot really use your muscles because to drive this middle motor you have to give torque there and this is unhealthy? (for health, better a easy gear and the heart is working and the frequency is higher?)
2nd question:
-i am tending to the S-Flyer from Biketech switzerland. i dont see it yet in this forum (sorry i should seek mor i know). Are some users here? is it worth the 3500 euros? am i then really quick? and good for health or too much torque needed?
3rd questiion:
where is the fronteer between: i dont need a pedelec, for this short distance and my normal health for 42 years any bike is okay and 15 miles are too much today i want to make the trip without being tired after and not pyaing/waiting for busses. so what is your experience between: now i take my bike and make sport or now i take my pedelec because i want to not be tired (and i even make sport with it?)
thanky for your patience, next time i will try to ask more specifivc questions
i am glad to have found your forum. Here in germany i found no similar forum on pedelecs.
I am 42 and i have a distance 0f 25 km (15,5 miles). i have to go back and forth.
i do it with a "race"bicycle .
but sometime it is just too much so i take train + busses but it is expensive and not so flexible (few busses)
and i think about "save the earth, dont use gas" and i think about "cheap cheap electric bicycles are cheap in electrical consumption"
so i am a potential buyer of pedelec
so welcome to the jungle
EVERY buyer tells me that his product is appropriated for me because of "bla bla bla theory"
then i have bought a german bike (rex ebike) + china motor (suzhou bafang) + led battery. it was cheap somehow, 500 euros. but after 6 months i gave it back (thanks God it was possible). The bike had only 3 gears, it was not possible to work with my muscles (too heavy or too light) and many cheap parts of the bioike went broken and sometime the motor didnt work (overheat, bad quality?)
So now what?
i am standins in front of more than 20 companies and bikes
and no really possibility to test and to give back what is not good for me
so maybe your theoretical and experience information will help me
1st question:
- comparing with a "racebike" how good, bad, better, worst is a pedelec for the "sport" effect. Imean, with the race bike i still have to grow in relationship to bicycle and health, how i can do what for my fitness. When i have time and i am fit i will cycle with my racebike and invest the money there, until i understand better bike+fitness. And what happens with your pedelecs? which effect has it on health? of course you are everytime "outside" "fresh air" + you are "cycling with your muscles if you want". but thast is the point. Is it not possible to have a triathlon position with motor in front? (too heavy for motor and front wheel), if the motor is in the middle you cannot really use your muscles because to drive this middle motor you have to give torque there and this is unhealthy? (for health, better a easy gear and the heart is working and the frequency is higher?)
2nd question:
-i am tending to the S-Flyer from Biketech switzerland. i dont see it yet in this forum (sorry i should seek mor i know). Are some users here? is it worth the 3500 euros? am i then really quick? and good for health or too much torque needed?
3rd questiion:
where is the fronteer between: i dont need a pedelec, for this short distance and my normal health for 42 years any bike is okay and 15 miles are too much today i want to make the trip without being tired after and not pyaing/waiting for busses. so what is your experience between: now i take my bike and make sport or now i take my pedelec because i want to not be tired (and i even make sport with it?)
thanky for your patience, next time i will try to ask more specifivc questions