Have an Oxygen S Cross.Happy with bike. Suits my needs. However I have a problem with the bolt that holds the left side pedal working loose. Have already had it replaced once but it has started working loose again. I have tried lock thread on it but still happens. It seems like the problem may be caused by the thread being the wrong way round . ie it loosens in the direction of pedalling. Anyone any ideas how to solve.
The pedals have a threaded rod (with bearings) in the middle usually, that screws into the end of the crank. One side is a LH thread the other a normal thread.
Are you referring to that threaded part being the bolt?
I may be wrong, but my memory says that the lefthand side should be a normal thread. The Right hand side is the reversed thread.
Can anyone confirm or deny that, as I am now unsure.
I have seen (several times!) where people have forced the wrong pedal on the wrong side, basically cutting a poor quality thread!
A fairly permanent repair, would be to clean up both parts of the thread using methylated spirits, and glue them together, using a quality Epoxy resin, correctly mixed, and give it at least 24 hours to set, no matter what the package says! Do not buy a 5 minute version.....
Someone may have placed the wrong crank on the LH side, if the threads fit normally. Maybe both are reversed?
I got given (sold), two pedals with the damn thread, from a crap bike shop here once. A bit confusing till I noticed......
Best of luck.