Looking for a delta semi recumbent or comfort style trike


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 23, 2013
Looking for a semi recumbent or comfort style trike

Please can anyone recommend a folding, semi recumbent ( by which I mean similar to a "comfort " style bike NOT a recumbent) e trike suitable for hills and some off road adventures on bridleways and byways. I need to be able to transport it in my partners car and would really like a tadpole style with a dog carrying box on the front. I would consider a delta style with the dog at the back.
A tall order I know but hoping someone may have an idea!
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 23, 2013
I have now found the Van Raam Maxi Comfort Tricycle with electric assist. This is the style I am looking for but it is very expensive. Anyone able to suggest a cheaper alternative or an older make that might be available secondhand please? The crucial factor is the crank forward design.