Locking for an e bijke with no battery fixation i have my own batteries and for an hilly landscape


Just Joined
Jun 12, 2019
Hello I am from Germany an öko freak with no car Living in the Country side
Locking for an e bijke with no battery fixation i have got my own batteries and for an hilly landscape (mountenous).
Is it posibell? Which bikes?

Thank s a lot for the answer!

With Kind regards!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Welcome Uwe,
Nearly any bike will be Ok for fitting a kit whether hub or mid drive better if it has hydraulic disc brakes. Your main decision is where to carry the batteries (which type/chemistry ?).

Which bike depends on your use off road /on road and whether a trailer is being towed.

As an aside if you are not aware pedelecforum .de is also available for you as well and is very good.