I have to move out and don't have the space anymore to keep everything. So I'm liquidating everything. Everything is NEW.
I have:
- 206x LG INR18650MH1 3200mAH - 10A. Bought on Nkon (https://eu.nkon.nl/lg-inr18650mh1-3200mah-3c-battery.html): £2 each.
- 205x LG INR18650-M36 366 mAH - 5A. Bought on Nkon (https://eu.nkon.nl/lg-inr18650m36-3600mah-10a.html): £2.2 each.
- 2x 48v cases with BMS (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33017871879.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5fba4c4dZOno3X): £30 each
- Mini spot welder (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000468446058.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5fba4c4dZOno3X): £60
Collection only. Anyone happy to buy all gets a 20% discount on the total price!
Also selling my bike here:
And have load of tooling (drill and other) for sell if you come in
I have to move out and don't have the space anymore to keep everything. So I'm liquidating everything. Everything is NEW.
I have:
- 206x LG INR18650MH1 3200mAH - 10A. Bought on Nkon (https://eu.nkon.nl/lg-inr18650mh1-3200mah-3c-battery.html): £2 each.
- 205x LG INR18650-M36 366 mAH - 5A. Bought on Nkon (https://eu.nkon.nl/lg-inr18650m36-3600mah-10a.html): £2.2 each.
- 2x 48v cases with BMS (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33017871879.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5fba4c4dZOno3X): £30 each
- Mini spot welder (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000468446058.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5fba4c4dZOno3X): £60
Collection only. Anyone happy to buy all gets a 20% discount on the total price!
Also selling my bike here:
For Sale - 20" custom cargo bike - For repair - London UK
Hello, I'm liquidating everything and selling my dear loved custom cargo bike. It used to look like this: Lately, the motor hall snapped, so it needs changing. I don't have time anymore to take care of the bike. So it looks like this at the moment: Bike specs: - 20" front and rear...
And have load of tooling (drill and other) for sell if you come in