I bought an electric bike (Smarta LX) which has been great as I hurt my back/hamstrings. It weighs a ton though. Hard to get on and off trains with.
I'd like to think about a folding bike with electric motor - so that I can travel, take it on a flight for example, and not sure best options.
I have seen the Dahon MuSL which is about 9kg. I could have a motor and battery fitted - which would be lightest/best option?
I like 20 inch wheels, had a dahon before which I liked a lot. I do not like Bromptons. Posture is an issue and need to have very adjustable handlebars.
Also, anyone know about airline policies and folding bikes? Would like to fly to USA in winter and take bike with me.
I'd like to think about a folding bike with electric motor - so that I can travel, take it on a flight for example, and not sure best options.
I have seen the Dahon MuSL which is about 9kg. I could have a motor and battery fitted - which would be lightest/best option?
I like 20 inch wheels, had a dahon before which I liked a lot. I do not like Bromptons. Posture is an issue and need to have very adjustable handlebars.
Also, anyone know about airline policies and folding bikes? Would like to fly to USA in winter and take bike with me.