L-ion Battery Question???


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Still dont understand these L-ion info on the web.
If I bought an additional L-ion Battery and maybe I charged it only once to test it and then left it stored away for a few years.
Would it still be as new or would the initial charge have started its life, and it would just degrade the same.
What im saying is once activated, do the batteries degrade over time anyway or just with use?


My understanding is that it that the chemistry would start to degrade after that initial charge. You would certainly need to discharge and recharge once in a while to keep it healthy.

Would be an expensive experiment to find out! :)



Oct 25, 2006
Yes, they degrade over time whether used or not, and like nearly all rechargeable batteries, they must be charged at least every two to three months or they become unusable, losing the ability to accept a charge.

The reason why those happen is different for each rechargeable type, but in each case, lead acid, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh) or Lithium-ion, the outcome is the same, a dead battery.

The degree to which life shortens is also different, Li-ion has been the shortest lived, but that is improving and it's catching up with NiMh now. Newer Li-ion types promise to be the longest lived of the three types used on our bikes.

If they are thought of as what they actually are, chemical devices, it's easy to understand that once a chemical reaction is started inside the cells, it will just carry on until no more reaction is possible. That process potentially affected Li-ion more than other types, but as said, that's improving and the best are no longer a problem.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
PS Stokepa31.
50cycles Have told me the Pro-Connects seem to be still on track for week 16.
New shop available in Louborogh by 1st April. So they will be moving after that date.
I'll be picking up my Pro-Coonect so I should have it hot off the press.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
PS Stokepa31.
50cycles Have told me the Pro-Connects seem to be still on track for week 16.
New shop available in Louborogh by 1st April. So they will be moving after that date.
I'll be picking up my Pro-Coonect so I should have it hot off the press.
hot off the press..? you're havin a laugh!:D


I will probably collect mine in person too although i'm gonna have to go back for my torq soon as well. I bet Music books can hardly contain himself :)

Im busily looking at go faster items for the bike. I must be really sad but i'm soooo excited about this bike. I might go to Paris on it just for a laugh!!!!

I presume you are thinking about an additional battery from your post above? Me too but will test the bike first with the gear mod before shelling out.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
just remaining optomistic, rather than getting all annoyed about it as I have previously.
Its cold, its raining, its snowing, its blowing a gail. So I dont mind waiting.
No im not thinking of another battery stokepa, ill just use up the suppied one first. Just thinking of the ezee battery issue with supply for the future that all.
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No mate. I'd want a serious amount of assistance to get over that i.e. wings :)

Got a friend who's done it but he's a proper fit roady.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Its cold, its raining, its snowing, its blowing a gail. So I dont mind waiting.
Hull..been a nice day as was working outside this morning, 1400 now and its still nice, im heading to doncaster at 3.30...i hope im not heading for the horrid weather you talk of, logging off now ...actually i will know the answer befor reading it no matter how fast you reply...lol................................
fingers crossed for no family crisis's which we have 24-7.....no bike rideing or talking bikes...Quando useually..:eek: till monday as having 2 days in york as we wave her daughter off to aberdeen from york at high noon tomorrow :) and then 2 days in whitby.....lunch on the Moorlander dining car on the north yorkshire moors railway....i normally look for 2 for £7 dinners in pubs so the £40 a head this 3 course dinner made me cringe..:eek: ...guess you rich gents on your all singing dancing agguta's tip the paper boy more then that at xmas....but i shall look forward to reading the cry's of joy for imminents deliveries of your bikes or cries of woe for shipments being blocked by germans in our deck chairs blocking the path to leicestershire...
have a great week keith


Oct 25, 2006
...i normally look for 2 for £7 dinners in pubs so the £40 a head this 3 course dinner made me cringe..:eek: ...guess you rich gents on your all singing dancing agguta's tip the paper boy more then that at xmas...
Not always a question of options Keith, property prices and rents in the south make those sort of low prices impossible. Takeaway from the chippies can cost more than that £7 for one person in places.

Anyway, our Surrey paper boys are so wealthy they refuse tips. :D