Does anyone remember "Quatermass and the pit"? This was a classic sci-fi drama, first televised in the late 1950s or early 60s. In the story, a buried spaceship was discovered during excavations on a building site in London. As the ship was unearthed, various paranormal activity occured, and it had a deep psychological effect on one of the workers.The program has been rebroadcast several times over the years.
I had a terrifying experience whilst watching a re run. We had just moved into an old house, and things were a bit basic. In one scene a terrified worker runs from the pit, and collapses on a gravel path in a graveyard. The ground beneath him moves like waves on the sea. As I watched, I thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Just for a moment, I was convinced that the floor of our room was moving in a wave like manner.
I told myself not to be so stupid, and carried on watching. Five minutes later, I saw movement again. I looked across the room. The floor was definitely moving in waves! On pulling myself together, I realised that the wind was blowing under the door, and lifting the carpet in waves. It would only be a slight exaggeration to say that a change of underwear was the order of the day...