I've gone and done it !!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Well, I waited 24hours to see if the iPod5touch was ready for release but amazingly not ! so I went off to Taunton and spent nearly 3 hours talking to a lovely young man called Rob who is a fountain of apple knowledge.
I learnt a lot and have come home with iPod4 touch, car adapter thingy and a Sony docking player......I wanted the Bose but with a new bike looming I had to curb my passion for it.
I have also decided to stick with my Nokia phones for now as I have been nokia loyal for 20 years.
Also, when I need to change my laptop.....hopefully soon......I am going for a Mac......so quite an interesting day and hopefully it will get more so as I grapple with setting it all up, downloading and everything else I shall be busy with tonight.
So today, I am a happy bunny :)



Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
Also, when I need to change my laptop.....hopefully soon......I am going for a Mac......so quite an interesting day and hopefully it will get more so as I grapple with setting it all up, downloading and everything else I shall be busy with tonight.

As one who made the transition from PC to Mac about 10 years ago and have since accumulated a collection of Apple machines, I don't think you'll go far wrong, either with your choice today or your notion that you may replace your PC with a Mac in the future.

As has been testified by another member, Apple back-up and customer service is absolutely top drawer. It's unlikely, in my experience, that you'll ever need Apple to fix anything unless you're very careless with your gadgets as one of my sons has been over the years but should things go wrong, they really are excellent.

When laptops came on the scene, I couldn't imagine why I'd ever need one. When smart phones came out, likewise. On the day the iPhone went on sale in the UK, I convinced myself absolutely that I would not go and queue up outside an Apple Store or an O2 shop so I didn't......I walked into 02 at 1100hrs the following morning, (no queue!) and walked out 10 minutes later with my first iPhone.

Currently, I have four Mac laptops, one iMac and two iPhones......don't ask! Since I went over to Mac, all my family have gone the same way. Probably, one day, something better will come along but so far, the rest are still playing catch-up.

I do hope you enjoy the iPod.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Thanks Indalo
I have downloaded itunes but so far havent managed to fire the ipod up yet....its just showing the lead pointing to the itunes graphic,,,,maybe I am not being firm enough when I touch it.......this is going to be fun
......watch this space cos if I get into trouble I will be pestering you for help !



Feb 28, 2010
Sounds like you had a great shopping spree, I look forward to hearing what you think and how you get on with your ipod4 hun, I've been debating getting one with a docking station for the Motorhome.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Sounds like you had a great shopping spree, I look forward to hearing what you think and how you get on with your ipod4 hun, I've been debating getting one with a docking station for the Motorhome.
Hi Morag...how are you and all the doggies ??.......and yes it was great....nothing like a bit of retail therapy !
The BOSE docking station was ideal for the m/home that was really tempting me, it had rechargable lithium batteries (ring any bells :) ).......and the sound was to die for, I love my music loud, but it was going to be more than £200 more than the sony one I bought......mind you, I havent unwrapped that one yet just in case I succumb tomorrow and go back and swap it......but I must try hard not to be too naughty !!



Feb 28, 2010
We are all doing great thanks hun and having a fab time with the motorhome and bike! I love the sound of the BOSE but I don't think I could swing the cost past hubby.....*lol* at not unwrapping the current docking station incase you change your mind very cunning. You can't beat great sound it's worth every penny I think, just need to convince the otherhalf *lol*


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
We are all doing great thanks hun and having a fab time with the motorhome and bike! I love the sound of the BOSE but I don't think I could swing the cost past hubby.....*lol* at not unwrapping the current docking station incase you change your mind very cunning. You can't beat great sound it's worth every penny I think, just need to convince the otherhalf *lol*
LOL.....well as my other half lives in Spain its not a problem I just have to get it past that little sensible portion of my brain......mind you, that part is very small LOL
Will let you know....


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Apple equipment is very good, excessively expensive, but good. I used to be a dedicated Nokia fan and really wanted to resist the calling of Apple products. I even went for a Blackberry phone to avoid the iPhone.

Then my wife came home with a works iPhone one day. I was immediately impressed with how easy and intuitive it was to use and as a bonus, it worked and did all of the things that it was supposed to do. That was 2 years ago. Now I have an iPhone, iMac, Mac Book and recently added an ipad2. All brilliant, all do different things and suit different modes of usage.

Quick tip if you buy an iPad2 with 3G enabled. TMobile do a free PAYG micro sim, just top it up once with £10 credit and get 12 months free data. Unlimited browsing and 500MB file download per month for about 80p / month. Smashing.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Oh God Tillson....stop tempting me.......I just love gadgets......my main problem is a gadget phobic daughter who nearly had heart failure when I bought a kindle........well, that, and a lack of enough money to constantly indulge myself LOL


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 19, 2009
Andover, Hants.
Congratulations on your purchases Lynn.

Don't forget that Apple have a 14 day, no questions, return policy so that if you try something and don't like it, just take it straight back.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Congratulations on your purchases Lynn.

Don't forget that Apple have a 14 day, no questions, return policy so that if you try something and don't like it, just take it straight back.
Thanks Tim ...not much chance of that though unless they were to release ipod5 in the next 14 days which isnt going to happen......I just couldnt wait for it.
But good to know.
Enjoying myself downloading allsorts tonight I cannot understand why I didnt get one earlier :)



Feb 28, 2010
Quick tip if you buy an iPad2 with 3G enabled. TMobile do a free PAYG micro sim, just top it up once with £10 credit and get 12 months free data. Unlimited browsing and 500MB file download per month for about 80p / month. Smashing.
*meep* I think I'm doomed!! that sounds to good to resist, an ipad2 would go great in the motorhome!

Congratulations on your purchases Lynn.

Don't forget that Apple have a 14 day, no questions, return policy so that if you try something and don't like it, just take it straight back.
I think I'm doomed doomed I tell ya.

Thanks for the info guys I do believe I will be visiting an apple store this week!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
*meep* I think I'm doomed!! that sounds to good to resist, an ipad2 would go great in the motorhome!

I think I'm doomed doomed I tell ya.

Thanks for the info guys I do believe I will be visiting an apple store this week!
Yay.....way to go Morag :)
Our motorhomes are great arent they.....really useful for all sorts of things even for excuses for retail therapy :D



Feb 28, 2010
Yay.....way to go Morag :)
Our motorhomes are great arent they.....really useful for all sorts of things even for excuses for retail therapy :D

*lol* The Motorhome is absolutely the best excuse for serious retail therapy, hubby doesn't stand a chance *lol* mind you he just poo pooed a 4th wee doggie so what does he expect I have to cheer myself up don't I! ;)


*lol* The Motorhome is absolutely the best excuse for serious retail therapy, hubby doesn't stand a chance *lol* mind you he just poo pooed a 4th wee doggie so what does he expect I have to cheer myself up don't I! ;)
Just get a Samsung Galaxy SII smartphone Morag, much better camera, screen etc., than an iPhone, what do you think Funky?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Just get a Samsung Galaxy SII smartphone Morag, much better camera, screen etc., than an iPhone, what do you think Funky?
I think she should get the wee doggie anyway and THEN get the phone.....havent ever felt one in my hand yet so I cant vouch for the samsung....... though I believe it takes very good pictures :D

You go and cheer yourself up Morag......I will back you up......female solidarity and all that :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Just get a Samsung Galaxy SII smartphone Morag, much better camera, screen etc., than an iPhone, what do you think Funky?
I colleague has the Samsung Galaxy SII. A great phone with a nice large clear display and very good camera. It does the same things as the iPhone, maybe more and it costs less. But......it's not an iPhone. I know that makes no sense whatsoever and I can't justify the statement in anyway, but for some reason, I am willing to pay the extra for an iPhone. Its probably because I'm a mug and a marketing man's dream.


Feb 28, 2010
I'm a Nokia gal for phones have been for decades and I loveee my Canon Power shot camera (started the retail therapy a while ago *lol*) so I think I may become an Apple lass to. All support in the future retail therapy welcome! *lol*


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
I colleague has the Samsung Galaxy SII. A great phone with a nice large clear display and very good camera. It does the same things as the iPhone, maybe more and it costs less. But......it's not an iPhone. I know that makes no sense whatsoever and I can't justify the statement in anyway, but for some reason, I am willing to pay the extra for an iPhone. Its probably because I'm a mug and a marketing man's dream.

You and me both Tillson......I am loving my ipod touch i cant stop stroking it......I know i know...get a life.....seriously though I am just so fed up I didnt get one earlier......iPhone is strongly calling me.......
must wait till I tax/MOT and insure the car at the end of this month first though :D



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
iPhone is strongly calling me.......
must wait till I tax/MOT and insure the car at the end of this month first though :D
.........and wait for the next iPhone model to be released. It must be due imminently.

Here is a good indicator of whats coming from Apple.

and here is the link to the £0.80p / month mobile data from TMobile, should you decide to go for a 3G iPad! This is a fantastic deal.
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