He's at it again, but this time wrapping up Sealed Lead Acid batteries in blue duct tape.
I'm guessing 4 x 12v 7Ah in series, with a combined weight of around 9kg. Mmmmm, not exactly light then!
Absolutely useless for an electric bike, unless you like voltage that's saggier than Nora Batty's tits
Electric bike ultra pants battery
I think someone needs to persuade him to browse this forum. Then he might come back to planet earth
I'm guessing 4 x 12v 7Ah in series, with a combined weight of around 9kg. Mmmmm, not exactly light then!
Absolutely useless for an electric bike, unless you like voltage that's saggier than Nora Batty's tits
Electric bike ultra pants battery
I think someone needs to persuade him to browse this forum. Then he might come back to planet earth