Is this a good buy ?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 3, 2021
Hi All,

My first post so please forgive if I have posted in the wrong area.
I have the option to buy this brand new of a lady i work with, She got this 4 weeks ago, rode it twice and its just too big and powerful and heavy for her.
She paid 960 euro or thereabouts for it, Still has the box it came in and the shipping label checks out to with the day she got it delivered.
The bike is
CMSBIKE CMSTD-20PWa 500W 48V 10AH Lithium Battery Adult Folding Electric Bike 20 Inch Wheel.

I can take it for 650 euro, this is where my inexperience of bikes comes in, is it a good buy ?
I did have a spin on it today, it certainly is quick but that's not what its all about it is it, the gearing doesn't seem the best as when your on power mode 5 in the highest gear ( If i have that right gear number 7 ) its very hard to keep up with the pedaling if you get me, but that could be my inexperience at power selection and being in the right gear also.

I would appreciate any advice before i say yes or no, This would be used for commutes from home to the train station to work and the train station back to to home a 15 k journey
each way.




Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
Sorry, the only bit i forgot, lol, Rep of Ireland bud, no restrictions here ( that i know of anyway ). Cheers.
I'm pretty sure Rep of Ireland will follow most other EU countries: 250w (nominal) max and no assistance over 25kph, unless you want to risk riding an illegal bike, or jump through lots of hoops


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 3, 2021
The no assistance part over 25 K i can sort out, I am asking if this bike is good value for money or not being a Chinese bike, i am just asking if anyone has any experience with this bike or knows anything about it, The legalities i can weigh up if i am going to buy it or not. Its not as strict as the UK for sure,


Nov 21, 2016
If you can have another try of the bike, once up to speed, try to just rotate the pedals slowly.
If it’s cadence assist, the bike should keep going at full speed without the effort of peddling with your legs going round at 90 to the dozen.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 3, 2021
If you can have another try of the bike, once up to speed, try to just rotate the pedals slowly.
If it’s cadence assist, the bike should keep going at full speed without the effort of peddling with your legs going round at 90 to the dozen.
It does yes, thanks for the reply there. appreciated. i realized that just when i was finishing of the test, wasnt 100 % sure so thanks , that clears that part up :)
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Apr 18, 2011
I think the question is more like what else new can I get for 550 quid, in the UK nothing worth buying.
Don't worry about it being Chinese, they all are
If you need a bike to commute 15k which folds it will do the job. the points I would address are,
do i like riding the bike ? does it fold easy and is it easy to carry on the train ? am i comfortable riding a bike that may break Irish/EU law.
you don't have to ride it on level 5 all the time, try the lower levels and you'll feel pedal resistance and you won't guzzle the battery


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 3, 2021
I think the question is more like what else new can I get for 550 quid, in the UK nothing worth buying.
Don't worry about it being Chinese, they all are
If you need a bike to commute 15k which folds it will do the job. the points I would address are,
do i like riding the bike ? does it fold easy and is it easy to carry on the train ? am i comfortable riding a bike that may break Irish/EU law.
you don't have to ride it on level 5 all the time, try the lower levels and you'll feel pedal resistance and you won't guzzle the battery

You are spot on, this bike you cannot get here in Ireland for les than nearly 1500 euro, she got it imported herself for €960, I took the bike for a trial last night and you are right about power/gears, i got used to using the gears along with the power meter and its great, got me up a really steep hill going up to my house no bother and i am 15 stone. So i bought it, I asked a company here that uses the same bike for bike tours here and he swears by them, the build quality on this is really good in his opinion and he knows a lot more than i do anyway. So very happy with the buy. I do like riding the bike, I actually have a Triumph Street Triple that i was using to commute but i am winding down off the motorbike on the roads so this was the main reason for me going this way. The foldability isn't such an issue as no trouble getting in on and off the trains here but nice i have the choice. The EU issue i will cross that bridge if i come to it but like i say its very very liberal here, the scooters on pavements are the only thing the Guards ( Police )will stop you for and they will take it if they catch you.

Thanks to all people who responded to m and your advice also bud.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
the scooters on pavements are the only thing the Guards ( Police )will stop you for and they will take it if they catch you.
Good luck and enjoy. It sounds as if you will.

I wish the police here were a bit tighter against scooters on pavements.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 3, 2021
Good luck and enjoy. It sounds as if you will.

I wish the police here were a bit tighter against scooters on pavements.
Cheers bud, too many clowns hitting into people here on the pavements so zero tolerance, if your seen you've lost the scooter.

Thanks again.