introducing me Peter Wilson

Peter Wilson

Just Joined
Jan 6, 2012
I work for a central London borough managing road safety and sustainable travel.
Not yet into electric bikes but we have a lot of electric car charging points.
Joined to learn about bikes with a view to buying one as the knees are not getting younger and basically lazy and a bit too heavy. I use to ride in the 70s mainly to get to from London Loverpool as cheap travel for student and have done a Tour de France route for a holiday but now use a bike to get around home town as easier than my car.


Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
Hi and welcome to the forum Peter.

These pages are a great source of information about all things ebike without being explicitly technical. There's a mixture here of both technophiles and technophobes so you'll probably find some postings which will suit your particular level of knowledge and expertise.

A good starting point is to explore the site, perhaps using the search facility and when you're ready, post your inclination for your first ebike and just bounce it off the more experienced members here. I'll say it before anyone else does: Set a budget and stick to it! There's a vast range of bikes available out there now and the price spread is equally vast.

Enjoy the search and don't be shy about posting on these pages. No-one will attempt to make you feel stupid just because you lack information or technical skills.
