I hate my Suede E Controller!


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 20, 2007
I like my bike, but I hate the controller. Somebody must have been on drugs when hey set the prefs on this thing. First off, the 12 mph thing has to go, at 12 mph the entire motor shuts down. It has no power 250 watts they say!

If you happen to be going up a grade (and it has to be a small one) as soon as the motor detects any load it cuts back around 50% of the power so I guess you do't overload it. At this time, the bike practically stops.

If your crusing along with the throttle on and you decide to help out a bit and pedal it shuts the motor off completely and uses only the pedal assistance regardless if your still holding throttle.

Anyone have a fix for this problem?



Just Joined
Nov 30, 2007
very interesting, but

Hello friends, first post. I have found this place on my unyielding quest to get rid of the speed limiter on me Suede E. I can NOT get over 18mph no matter what I do.

The "power on demand" mod is a real good start. However, I just want to kill the limiter that prevents me from going over 18 mph.

Then I'll worry about adding the two together. =) ...then, maybe add a battery in serial? hehehehehe Please, need MORE info here...

In the meantime, is there any way to bypass the 18mph limiter on the American Giant Suede E?

My humble thanks,
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Oct 25, 2006
Giant never seem to release details of this kind, but it might be of interest to know the the motor is an American design, from the Birkestrand Corporation and originally called the Motorised Wheel. That may just be a source of some relevant information Delirium.
Nov 10, 2006
just 18mph would be a dream on my uk suede,the controller cuts out at 15mph.
lol tell me about it!

The three pots inside the main controller are-
pedal assist strength
top voltage
bottom voltage cut-out

As far as I can work out.. Be really careful with the wiring, it is extremely delicate.
