I didn't see you coming!


Jan 28, 2008
Hi all, bad news I'm afraid. Had my bike only a few weeks and managed to sort out a few technical issues to get me going...thanks to yourselves. On Tuesday 4th. March a bright sunny morning I was involved in a road traffic accident. I'm on a main road approaching a left side "T" junction, heading towards this giveway junction to my left is a silver car. Cautiously cycling on and in the corner of my eye I notice a bonnet... TO LATE... in what seems like a nano second, I've parted company my bike. While lying in the road and probably more concerned for my bike than myself, I noticed a brite shinning light. Yes thank God, I was still in the land of the living, it was only the front lamp. Soon after the sounds of sirens could be heard, and more lights, these ones being BLUE. Any way my not too serious injuries will heal after time_need to some how occupy myself during the comming weeks until the plaster casts come off. So after taking every sensible precaution to make myself conspicuous to other road users i.e. Hi_Visibility long sleeved yellow jacket. Lights switched on etc.
that appologetic phrase will never be forgoten from the drivers lips as she muttered ... "I'm so sorry it as an accident"_"I didn't see you comming" Take care ALL.
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Oct 25, 2006
I'm really sorry to hear this Merv, you were so keen to get riding and now this of all things.

That sort of accident is so common, motor cyclists coming off even worse and even killed of course, since drivers usually have just four wheelers in mind and don't see our smaller presence. Hence our safety campaign aimed at drivers, titled "Think Bike!".

I've got in the habit in my urban fringe area of trying hard to catch a drivers eye, even swerving to attract attention as I approach them when they are in a side road, and when I fail to do that, on go the brakes as I assume they are about to drive straight out. Usually I'm wrong, but better safe than sorry of course.

Best wishes for a speedy and pain free recovery.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2007
I hope you get better soon Merv and it doesn't put you off cycling too much.

Flecc, I more or less do the same as you at T junctions and am starting to get to know the ones where, for whatever reason, I've only got about a 50% chance of being seen.

Just wondering what you do when turning right at roundabouts, particularly on a dual-carriageway. So far I have been using the left hand lane but was totally ignored yesterday but a car in the right hand lane going straight on; even though I was clearly indicating right. I'm thinking of trying the right hand lane.


Oct 25, 2006
I take the right hand lane John, and if there's not much room I dominate it in the centre. It really is the only safe way. I once had a truck driver yell out for me to get out of the middle of the road, so I just gave him a hand signal to indicate that I had received his message but was ignoring it. :D


Jan 2, 2008
Poole, BH16
Get well soon Merv. My tip (courtesy of a friendly nurse) is to take paracetamol and ibruprofen together, staggered thoughout the day so that you're never completely without pain relief. (Ibruprofen takes longer to wear off than paracetamol.)

Right now I'm thanking my lucky stars that nothing hit me when I fell off two days ago - it was just my own stupidity! My other half got knocked off his motorcycle last year by an idiot car driver - who didn't even say sorry and thought it was all a bit of a joke. If there hadn't been a load of coppers in attendance by the time I got to the scene of the accident, the stupid prat would've been using his gear stick as a suppository.


Feb 20, 2008
Sympathy from me as well, Merv.

And good to see you posting again Tgame, I was a bit worried not seeing a post from you for an unusual long time.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
Sorry to hear about your accident Merv.. Get well very soon..
Be careful out there folks
Best of
