Help! How to bleed bafang XOD-E500 brakes


Just Joined
Feb 17, 2018
South Shields
I have modified a Boardman Hybrid to Electric by adding a rear hub Bafang 350W motor kit, this worked fine except for the fact that it has Hydraulic brakes without a motor cut-off on the brake levers and the price of mainline brakes with this facility is prohibitive. I have obtained a set of XOB-E500 brakes with cut-off and when fitting them I realized that the front hose is too long and needs to be shortened . Before attempting this task I checked to confirm that the bleed kit I have(Tektro) would work on these brakes, unfortunately the bleed hole on the brake lever is of a smaller dia (5mm) than the tube connector in my kit (6mm), can anyone help me please.
