Lunacycle is around $700 for a 21 Ah 48 V battery that = $1400 for 42 Ah
or 1323 €.
HK Graphene 10000 mAh is 94€ a pop so in 2P2S (20 Ah) x 2 = 744€ or just under half. (I corrected above where I had only calculated one 20 Ah pack)
Graphene Slightly heavier - about 400g per 20 Ah battery
Lunacycle you have to add a charger to the price, I already have the 250 W lipo chargers. 7 hour charging time per 21 Ah Li-ion so you need two chargers @ $60 each. At 1C the Lipo charger charges each 10 Ah pack in about an hour (Graphene slightly less than an hour in real world use), I have 2 chargeurs so about 2 hours for the 4 packs. But I charge with a parallel charging board on each charger so same time for the 8...
Battery life about the same: lunacycle claims 400-1000 cycles and HK over 600 cycles
Still waiting on the address for 20 Ah of Li-ion @ around 375€