I was wondering, if I replace my quantum leap relay resistor with a modulated flux capacitor in my controller, would that increase the torque of the motor?
Once again you incite people to break law, this time the laws of Physics.No, but it'll spin a lot faster at the same speed, so you don't need more torque. Don't forget that you need a tritanium battery doped with lysergium to get high enough charge for the flux capacitor.
That's all well and good, but this has NOT been harmonised with UK law.The EU have sanctioned the use of a special bms that limits speed to warp factor 15.5, alas they have done away with the +10% as it was found that any more than warp factor 15.5 and you were in danger of overtaking yourself whilst drinking coffee and smoking a cig, all of this without peddling!
It's not unobtainable. You can get it from the future. Write a note to your son to get you some if it becomes available in his lifetime after you're dead. If he can't get it, he has to write a note to his son, and so on. In a million years time or whenever, it will be available, so one of them will be able to travel back in time and give you some. QED. It's only a matter of planning.@ d8veh, i had heard that they were hoping to use unobtainium for the new batteries but since the locals took over it has become. ..urm ...unobtainable. I have emailed James Cameron to see if he can rectify this sorry state of affairs in the not too distant future
Does it recharge while you pedal it?that's where ZYCHTECH come in. They have come here to advertise their new quantum gearbox, far superior to the famous Leonardo da Vinci device. This new device, uniquely available from ZYCHTECH, is entirely based on the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This quantum device not only simulates all the gears at once without losing power to the environment, it can also anticipate and answer all your questions thus making this forum's resident gurus completely redundant.
For those that don't know, D8veh's theorem states that if you place a cat and a radioactive source in a box, everything will be ok as long as it has a 250w sticker on it.... It can even solve d8veh's theorem and that's just for starters.