Hi everyone,


Just Joined
Feb 3, 2015
I'm looking to buy a cargo trike for self employment following accident and injury.It will need to take some garden tools but nothing as heavy as petrol mowers. I'm female and nearly 50 with limited fitness and leg power. I don't want something I need to have a licence or tax for. Need something with lightest weight but stable, with the biggest legal(ish!) oomph for climbing hills.
So far I like the Maximus best going by the specs, but since I will be spending a significant amount of money I would like any pertinent advice available please?

Deleted member 4366

Have a word with Andrew (Oxydrive kits and Oxygen Bikes). He makes really nice cargo trikes. He brought an electric one to the Birmingham Cycle show last year. I rode it round the NEC with all the stuff from the show in the back. It could climb the hills very well because it had a 2 to 1 reduction ratio between the motor and the axle. He should be able to customise it to how you want it. I don't know how his prices compare, but you get a properly engineered trike with a rear differential to make it steer properly. Most have fixed axles. You can contact him through H7 Engineering or through his pedicab shop. He has a good reputation on this forum.
