

Just Joined
Apr 26, 2024
Hi there and apologies in advance for my long first post :)

I'm hoping someone might be able to offer me some assistance or guidance.

So about a year ago i suffered a heart attack at the age of 38 and had two stents fit. My fault, i've not led the healthiest life but it was a wake up call and i was determined to try and do something about it. I went through the recovery process at the local hospital and started doing a lot more walking, just light stuff but i lost a bit of weight and around about january this year i spoke to my doctor who recommended cycling and in order not to push too hard said it would probably be a good idea to get an e-bike. So in March when i had saved up some money, i currently don't work cause i'm a full time carer for my disabled wife so i can't even use the cycle2work scheme either, i bought the Carrera Vengeance 2.1 E-Bike for £1100 from Halfords. I was having so much fun being out and about and visiting places around my home city (Nottingham) that i hadn't been since i was a kid.

Sadly the bike was stolen in early June while i was in the cinema, it was locked with a chain and a D-Lock but they cut through both. I had removed the battery so i decided to buy another vengeance bike, this time it was the slightly earlier 2.0 version as i got it much cheaper, £400 than new locally.

This bike came with a battery so having two i was able to extend my riding to further afield. That was until i was riding when the oled screen turned off and i lost all power.

I walked the bike home and being somewhat of a general electronics hobbyist (retro computers usually need maintenance) i got out my multimeter and found that the cable from the screen to the ECU had a break in the ground connection so i got out my soldering iron and spliced a new cable on and heatshrunk it. Put it back on the bike and power was restored.

This lasted about a week when while riding i felt the assistance cut out but the screen remained on.

The battery was still showing as 4 out of the 5 lights so i was pretty sure i still had power but just in case i swapped in the second battery that i had full charged before going out. When putting the battery on the bike and pressing the button to wake it up it immediately started flashing all 5 lights just flash slowly. I get the exact same behaviour with both batteries.

I joined a carrera facebook group and was told to try resetting the batteries by holding the button for 30 seconds then connecting them to the charger which i did but again no difference.

I took the bike and both batteries into Halfords and was told its an ECU problem but apparently they cannot supply a new one out of warranty. I bought a new ECU from ebay (well i can only go by their word that its new) and fit that but no difference. I have since bought a new oled screen just in case my repair isn't sound but again no difference. I have also replaced the battery holder and the pedal assist sensor but again no difference. I believe the only thing left to replace now is the motor itself but at this point i'm losing hope and feel i'm just throwing money at old rope.

I am now more than £1500 in and still not able to ride my bike.

So anyone have any tips i might be able to try and resurrect my bike or if not can anyone recommend a kit i can fit to the vengeance, would be a massive bonus if i can use the two batteries i already own and save some money too but i'm not sure if i could cause i was told the carrera batteries communicate with the ecu too?

i just want to enjoy the outdoors again and continue my health recovery lol