My name is Marcus, I'm 43 and i live in Pembrokeshire Wet Wales.
From the age of 22 to 38 i was into competitive cycling. I got married when i was 36 and started a family soon after.
I found i could not maintain my training schedule, cycling competitions, full time job and raising a new family. Something had to give.
Of course my priority was to my family and i gave up competitive cycling ( for now anyhow)
I still commute regularly to work 4 times a week which has kept up my base fitness.
As i get older i find the commuting a little harder, it's a very hilly route to work and sometimes very windy here on the Pembrokeshire coast.
I want to maintain cycling to work because it saves me alot of fuel and also i have to cross a toll bridge everyday which is free to cyclists.
I started researching electric bikes about 12 months ago and have now made my choice.
I would like to share with you the route i took and why.
I hope my experience might guide others in knowing what type of electrical assistance bicycle to purchase.
From the age of 22 to 38 i was into competitive cycling. I got married when i was 36 and started a family soon after.
I found i could not maintain my training schedule, cycling competitions, full time job and raising a new family. Something had to give.
Of course my priority was to my family and i gave up competitive cycling ( for now anyhow)
I still commute regularly to work 4 times a week which has kept up my base fitness.
As i get older i find the commuting a little harder, it's a very hilly route to work and sometimes very windy here on the Pembrokeshire coast.
I want to maintain cycling to work because it saves me alot of fuel and also i have to cross a toll bridge everyday which is free to cyclists.
I started researching electric bikes about 12 months ago and have now made my choice.
I would like to share with you the route i took and why.
I hope my experience might guide others in knowing what type of electrical assistance bicycle to purchase.