Haven't been around for a while.


Dec 14, 2006
Dumfries, SW Scotland
Hi all. I used to hang out on this forum several years ago, when I was known as "maryinoxford." I don't live in Oxford any more - and thank you, Russell, for changing my user name to a more appropriate choice.

I think I want to replace my 2008 Heinzmann Estelle e-bike. Over the last few months it has developed an intermittent fault; about 10% of the time, it won't switch on. When I try, the indicator lights flash and then go out. If I fiddle with the electrical cables at various points on the bike, usually I can eventually persuade it to switch on, and once it does, it runs perfectly normally. There must be a loose connection somewhere, but I can't find it on any of the places accessible to me, and I don't have the skill to completely dismantle the electrics. I'm now reluctant to take the bike very far from home, in case I end up having to get all the way back on muscle power. (And the motor, unpowered, does add drag, whatever the makers say to the contrary.)

I'm retired, and I don't cycle every day - maybe once or twice a week, usually short trips around town. But before the problem arose, I did go for occasional runs in the country. Also, I use a trailer if I have anything heavy to shift (no car). Now I'm wary about doing that, in case the bike fails me again.

So I started thinking "new bike." Definately want a step-thru, and I quite like the idea of a crank drive with the battery behind the seat post, as a neater option and more central weight than the Heinzmann's heavy front hub and battery-pannier. After a brief look on the web, Kalkhoff and Gazelle look attractive, but are expensive for a pensioner. I also see from the forum that buying an expensive bike doesn't guarantee freedom from problems. And I recognise that I don't really need to spend £2K for my usage; my mind is in "new toy" mode.

So maybe I need to lower my expectations. A modern hub motor is certainly smaller and lighter than the hefty Heinzmann drive. Overall weight is important; there are places I go where I have to carry the bike up or down steps, and I don't want anything more than 25kg. I'll keep browsing, and try not to buy in a hurry.

Thanks to all who put such useful info on this forum.
