Greenedge CS2/16 Display settings


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 25, 2019
Hello all , I hope someone can assist me with the following request for help.
I have a Greenedge CS2/16 with the std display and am trying to set the following settings within the display , but are unsure what value to give the setting within the set up for each of the following..

26" wheel /8186" (207.47 cm circumference)

6 magnets on PAS sensor (replaced from original)

4 Hall sensors within the motor .

Any help very gratefully received.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
you have 3 hall sensors in your motor. There is no setting for that because all motors have three or none.. The Hal mentioned is probably the speed sensor - how many magnets you have, which is one or six. you can see which by the speed display, which will be too fast or slow if you get it wrong. If too fast (6 times speed), your motor will cut off at 2.5 mph (real speed) instead of 15mph or whatever you set it to.
