GOOD ENERGY - The power to make cycling make sense.


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Hi Tim, Scott and the rest of the team.

Thanks for the heads up, that seems to be very interesting and I will definitely be taking a good look at their site and services myself.

The argument was always put forward to us that Electric bikes were never totally Green because the batteries were charged through the mains supply which were obviously burning fossil fuels and contributing to global warming
That is an argument I have seen on a few other cycling forums from certain anti-electric bike folk. Good to see we can chip away at their objections one by one !

Flying Kiwi

Dec 25, 2006
Environmental responsibility

Well done guys.

I have just emailed Good Energy with a view to do the same.

Thanks for the information.

Best regards David
Along the same lines (consideration for the environment) I see you already have a scheme where people who've exhausted the life of a Whisper bike battery can get a £50 trade in when they buy a new battery from you. Anything like this which seeks to keep those undesirable chemicals in modern batteries out of landfills has got to be a responsible bonus:cool: