Giant Twist dilemma kit?


Just Joined
Jun 14, 2022
Hi we have a Giant twist express big solid bike, when last used having purchased a new battery, bought bike 2nd hand, bike didn't seem to have much urge or assist, I had z competent bike shop check over they changed a sensor near peddle crank but no real noticeable difference.. the bike shop said its old technology all parts appeared to be in working order... due to family issues It got put to the back of the garage.
I recently bumped into old mate we started discussing ebikes etc and soon as I mentioned my issue's he reckoned good motor / new battery issue must be controller? So in z burst of new enthusiasm I opened the bike covers exposed the controller to find a 26V module - so checked around ebay etc only 36v modules - in readiness for new controller I attempted to charge the now 4 year old battery, to find the charger no has no output?!

SO my question is I have a good solid bike with suspect controller, possibly and now z duff charger..

What kit would be z sensible reasonable plug and play options giant has rim brakes 700x35c

And ? I can't find schematics for pin outs for charger or controller connections with is frustrating I'm now retired (maintenance technician )

Any help guidance would be most welcomed thank you taking time to read this

