Ermmmmm it failed ten years ago and has been sat at the back of the houseWow, forward planning. Well done.
It's never been possible I'm afraid, Panasonic's policy has only been repair by replacement.I wondered if the old unit with suspected speed controller difficulties could be restored..
Another member did similar with three failed Giant Lafree's back in 2014. He ended up with two fully working and the rest of the bits built back into one which was donated to a bicycle museum.I’ve bought a Lafree on eBay so I can swop parts and do a full restoration. Then build a customised Lafree with what’s left and my collection of unused components! Watch this space.
David Henshaw, editor of A to B magazine did this with a Lafree and published the article in one edition of his magazine long ago.Thought process is then how to Jury rig a speed controller to the old motor.