Get out of the crowded road

Aug 12, 2021
Ditched the car for an electric bike. The problem of being late for work caused by traffic jams will be greatly reduced, the rush hour traffic will be far away from you, and you can work happily every day.
The biggest headache is getting stuck on your way to work. Who wouldn't hate that?
The relative convenience, makes it a great option for daily commutes.Furthermore, they enable people to do things they may not believe possible on a normal bike, such as commuting without sweating, keeping up with younger or faster riders, powering easily up hills, and experiencing adventure as never before.Cycling, and exercising in general, is also a form of self-love. After all, taking care of your body and being in good shape will make you feel good.
How much can you really save if you use an e-bike to get to work, and what other ways can you save money by commuting?
