There's an Irish guy doing the rounds of the London e-bike shops trying to sell electric scooters (e-skoot)....he is telling us all that they are EN 15194 legal and because they have no seat don't need type approval.
They are expensive at £850 and I don't like the idea of hover boards,Segways,scooters....we are electric bike dealers . But I struggled to prove that these scooters are illegal,I am sure they are.
He's only partly right, EN15194 doesn't permit use, it only specifies suitability for acceptance. What he should be saying is that his seatless scooter is exempted from Type Approval Law 168/2013. That does not mean it's not a motor vehicle though, since a national government can consider it as one. Ours in the UK considers any vehicle with a motor as being a motor vehicle and only permits use of any type in public by separate acceptance in a variety of other laws such as road traffic acts, traffic lighting regulations and construction and use regulations.
There is no such acceptance for Segways for example, even though self-balancing vehicles are exempted from the type approval law.
But pedelecs, which are another type approval exemption, have approval through the EAPC regulations.
So your Irish chap needs a law saying his scooter type is accepted.