Fell of my Agattu this afternoon.
Freewheeling down a railway bridge behind my partner, approx. 25 mph with power off, my hat started to blow off and I took one hand off the handlebars to stop it.
Next thing I was sliding along the road.
(Thoughts -
1. My new Bike! - Hope its OK!
2. My watch! (Ladies Omega Seamaster) - Hope its not been scraped!
3. Hope my partner doesn't see me and then fall off their bike in shock! (they are fairly recent bike converts and I don't want to put them off)
4. Owww!)
Injuries -
Me - Big gash/hole in my left elbow, Couple of big holes in my left palm, skinned left knee, big bump on whole of my left thigh which is going to be well bruised in the morning and hurts quite a bit. Also my Sandal was torn off my foot and the metal ring on it that a velcroed strap went thru was torn completely off.
Hat was fine.
Bike - Right brake lever scraped a bit on the hood and the brake lever next to the hood, also had been knocked/rotated downwards slightly but just needs rotating back. The grey plastic cover on the Nexus gearshift had come partly unclipped at the front but just needs unscrewing and then clipping back in. Right hand side pedal a bit scraped. Bikehut pannier a bit scraped.
A nice lady with a pushchair gave me a baby-wipe to wipe my bleeding elbow and hand. Bizzarely she said that people fall off their bikes there all the time, but I think she may have been trying to make feel better or at least less embarrassed.
Put the power on to get back home, was only 2 miles away, and everything seems fine.
Going to wear a helmet in future.
Freewheeling down a railway bridge behind my partner, approx. 25 mph with power off, my hat started to blow off and I took one hand off the handlebars to stop it.
Next thing I was sliding along the road.
(Thoughts -
1. My new Bike! - Hope its OK!
2. My watch! (Ladies Omega Seamaster) - Hope its not been scraped!
3. Hope my partner doesn't see me and then fall off their bike in shock! (they are fairly recent bike converts and I don't want to put them off)
4. Owww!)
Injuries -
Me - Big gash/hole in my left elbow, Couple of big holes in my left palm, skinned left knee, big bump on whole of my left thigh which is going to be well bruised in the morning and hurts quite a bit. Also my Sandal was torn off my foot and the metal ring on it that a velcroed strap went thru was torn completely off.
Hat was fine.
Bike - Right brake lever scraped a bit on the hood and the brake lever next to the hood, also had been knocked/rotated downwards slightly but just needs rotating back. The grey plastic cover on the Nexus gearshift had come partly unclipped at the front but just needs unscrewing and then clipping back in. Right hand side pedal a bit scraped. Bikehut pannier a bit scraped.
A nice lady with a pushchair gave me a baby-wipe to wipe my bleeding elbow and hand. Bizzarely she said that people fall off their bikes there all the time, but I think she may have been trying to make feel better or at least less embarrassed.
Put the power on to get back home, was only 2 miles away, and everything seems fine.
Going to wear a helmet in future.
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