FAQ : eZee Torq


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
*** Please note this is a work in progress! Keep checking back for updates ***

FAQ for eZee Torq Models



x.x Lubrication

x.x Connection problems
x.x Cutting Out
x.x Battery Types
x.x.x Lithium Ion Manganese
x.x.x NiMh
x.x.x Lithium Ion Phosphate
x.x Range
x.x Charging

x.x Colour coding
x.x Connection Repairs
x.x Insulation and sealing
x.x Brake lever cutouts
x.x Fault Diagnosis

x.x Waterproofing light switch

x.x. Removing the front wheel
x.x. Replacing spokes / Spoke Specifications

x.x Front wheel vibration

x.x Throttle
x.x Full Length Mudguards


X. Motor

X.X - Lubrication

Some editions of the Torq manual give details for greasing the motor gears. These instructions give the impression that the gears are just behind the motor's removable cover. That is not in fact the case, opening the cover will only reveal the armature windings. These instructions only apply to some other models in the eZee range. Access to the Torq and Quando motor gears can only be had by full withdrawal of the complete spindle/armature assembly, involving pulling from the bearing, best done only by those appropriately experienced....Continue


X. Batteries

X.X - Connection Problems

The main indicator of a connection problem is any delay in the throttle response, this due to the software being very sensitive to any resistance at this point. The first action to correct this is to thoroughly clean both the brass posts and the battery clips (soon to be nickel plated) with a suitable cleaning fluid....Continue

x.x - Cutting Out

Cutting out on the road has several possible causes, but the most likely cause will be a connection problem as described above in section X.X. Other than that, bikes with NiMh batteries might only suffer wiring connection faults. Lithium Ion batteries are potentially more fragile than NiMh and therefore need much greater protection, so if you have ensured that the connections are not the problem, the cause could be any one of the following.....Continue


X. Switches

x.x Waterproofing light switch

The 50cycles website carries a tip from eZeebike for rotating a lightswitch-equipped twistgrip to place the switch pointing rearwards to reduce it's vulnerability to water ingress. If you have to ride in the rain though, you may wish to waterproof it, so here's a very cheap and simple way to do that.....Continue


X. Maintenance

X.X - Removing the front wheel

First question whether you really need to remove the wheel completely. By unhooking the cable harness from it's attachments on the fork and frame, tyres and tubes can easily be replaced with the wheel alongside the bike. Broken spokes and wheel truing can be dealt with easily with the wheel still in the bike, and only a complete wheel, motor or rim replacement calls for full removal.....Continue

X.X - eZee Spoke Specifications

Thickness/mass: 13g

Front - 253 mm
Rear - 290 mm

X. Brakes

x.x Front wheel vibration

With the front wheel, braking causes a lot more force along the fork, couple that with a strong motor and V-brakes, it could cause shuddering (Note: 700c road cyclists and regular bikes, use soft caliper brakes and there is less stress on the front hub/wheel).

In the first instance, use the following steps to try to help correct the problem:
  • Tighten the headstem (don't tighten too much!). If you needed to position the handlebars yourself when you received your bike this is probably the most common cause. The easiest way to check for this is to apply the front brake and push the bars forward and down. If there is any movement of the forks then loosen the bars, re-position and tighten.
  • Brake adjustment and Toe-in. Readjusting the V-brakes properly may help. The brake pads are angled slightly so that they touch the rim gradually from the tip to a complete grip on the rim.
  • Preservative Film residue on the outer rim. Using a solvent will clean the rim sides such as meths, iso-propyl alcohol.
  • Ensure you brake evenly with both front and rear to achieve the best possible braking.
If all of the above fail to alleviate the problem, complete this form on the 50Cycles website.


X. Modifications

X.X - Throttle/Twistgrip

A common complaint is that the sharp action of the hall switch twistgrip throttle makes it difficult to hold intermediate throttle settings, especially on bumpy roads where it becomes almost impossible. Here is a quite simple alteration to the Torq which makes control very much easier.....Continue

X.X - Full Length Mudguards

Current Torqs are now equipped with full mudguards, but earlier models had part mudguards which shook and rattled due to insufficient anchorage and gave little protection. To correct this you can easily fit a better mudguard set, using just a new front mudguard....Continue


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