eZee Liv result


Feb 24, 2007
Some members may recall the problem I was having with the range from my Li-ion batteries on my eZee Liv. Basically I was expecting a range in excess of 20 miles per charge (based, not unreasonably, on info given to me by 50cycles at the time of purchase) but in practice I was only achieving 16 miles. On querying this shortfall with 50cycles I was told that this was quite normal. Wai Won Ching however felt differently and went to the expense of sending me a new battery from China with apologies for inconvenience caused. Result - first run on new battery 26 miles to the point of red light coming on briefly, second run 29 miles and clearly still a few miles to go before the red light appears. I understand that Li-ion batteries have improved over recent months but nevertheless its the difference in attitude to customer care that marks the difference.

I now have three batteries - a 30 miler and two 16 milers, is it possible to recell one of the originals 16 milers to match the performance of my new battery ? Whilst I am reasonably competent with a soldering iron the mere mention of diodes, rectifiers and other such electronic wizardry has my eyes glazing over. Assuming I am not alone there must be a market for rejuvenating ill performing batteries ?

John S


Oct 25, 2006
Not with lithium batteries John, the risks are currently precluding that. It's the complexity of the integrated electronics and connection necessities that rule it out, as you'll see on the photos on my Torq Talk website:

eZee li-ion internals

Pleased to hear of your new battery, this latest generation being as good as the old ones were bad.