eZee conversion kit power surge, now dead

Christian Schade

Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 27, 2011
Roskilde, Denmark, Denmark
Hi - I am using an eZee conversion kit on my trike and have gone quite a lot of distance with the little engine during the last year. This morning though, when riding, something bad happened. At first, the motor kept staying on even when I turned the throttle to zero. Tis happened a couple of times, but it stopped when I stopped pedaling (so the pedal sensor seems to work). Then I stopped for a red light in dense city traffic, and suddenly the engine started powering the trike - even when not pedallng. I had no choice but to clamp down the brakes, since the alternative would have been going straight out in front of the traffic, and after about 5 secs the engine stopped.

Now there is still a green light on the battery indicator, but the engine doesn't respond at all.

If anybody has any advice at all, it will be greatly appreciated. Didi I blow a fuse? How to change it? Did I bust the engine? Any hope?

regards Christian.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 25, 2009
Does your setup normally work pedelec only, as in without throttle? If so I'd try unplugging the throttle and see if it works just from the pedelec sensor. You could also try the other way around and test the throttle with the pedelec sensor unplugged. Also disconnect the brake cutouts (to test, not whilst riding it as that's asking for trouble!)

Sounds like the throttle is possibly knackered. Other than that check that power is getting to the controller and all the wires and connections for continuity ...beyond that then more in depth testing... maybe a fried controller.

Deleted member 4366

If you're saying that you held the motor, while it was powered for 5 seconds, then you'll have serious damage to the controller (blown FETs) and/or motor. If you're saying that you operated the brake whereupon the brake switches cut the motor, and then you let go the brake 5 secs later and the power surge had stopped, then you'll be in a better position.

So first question: Did you have operational brake cut-outs?

For anybody else reading, good brakes can hold the motor in an emergency. they'll save your life, but not your bike. Make sure you can cut power immediately in an emergency - normally, that means brake ciut-off switches, or minimum of one on the back brake.

The original cause of the power coming on when not wanted could be a loose magnet in the throttle. They can get dislodged if you're on full throttle and hit a bump, but the most likely cause would be chafed throttle cable or, more likely, broken solder joint at the hall sensor allowing the 5v and signal wires to touch. Hopefully, tjhis is what you have, and all you need to do is solder it back on and then the throttle will work again.
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Hi Christian,

Sorry to hear about your problems.

Is the diagnostic red LED flashing on the controller when the power is switched on?

You can see the diagnostic codes on page 14 of the eZee Mk1 installation guide which can be downloaded via this link Downloads - electric bikes and conversion kits
