Does anyone have any knowledge of this bike - Evolt Morning? I can't find any reviews for this model.
It is very light (14kg including battery) - but range is quite varied, between 20 - 50km.
The lightness appeals - as better for my back, and it is a resonable price at £1699. It comes with a rack for storage. Battery is in the seat post.
I will be travelling between 5 - 20 miles a day, dependent on if I jump on the bus or train with it. I can charge it when I get to work.
Many thanks for your thoughts!
Does anyone have any knowledge of this bike - Evolt Morning? I can't find any reviews for this model.
It is very light (14kg including battery) - but range is quite varied, between 20 - 50km.
The lightness appeals - as better for my back, and it is a resonable price at £1699. It comes with a rack for storage. Battery is in the seat post.
I will be travelling between 5 - 20 miles a day, dependent on if I jump on the bus or train with it. I can charge it when I get to work.
Many thanks for your thoughts!