This is a relative light weight bike at 22 Kg. Has pedal only, power assist and power only. Battery is concealed in the frame with a charging point. The battery can be removed by folding the bike and using a key to unlock the battery. Has a rest for when the bike is folded. This makes it easy to replace the battery with an additional spare battery, which can be charged away from the e-bike. (The handle bar can fold for more compact storage) The 36 V 6.6 Amp-hour battery lasts for just over 20 miles with a 90 Kg rider in power assist mode to maintain an average speed of 10 to 12 mph. on an steady grade road trip. The Seat post is a bit short for riders over 5' 11", but I have been promised a longer seat post. . Comes with fold-able pedals and adequate reflectors. The 6-gear change is simple and effective, separate from the brakes. The brakes cancel out power when applied with power or power-assist on. Has Mud guards as standard and a pannier rack. It is a well designed, sturdy bike and a pleasure to ride with thick tyres for all-round use and 26" rims.