J has a trike. A few years ago, she suddenly lost all hearing in her left ear. Her sense of balance was destroyed at the same time, and her cycling career ended. She had cycled for fifty years and was devastated by this lose. She bought a trike and has had the greatest difficulty adapting to 3 wheels. Steering was the main problem; I wonder if, having biked for so long, where steering is largely done by balance, the conversion is so difficult? Following a fall off the trike, which happened during a sharp left turn, she gave up for twelve miserable months. Today we tried again - a long way from other traffic - with mixed results. Hope your mum has fewer difficulties - best wishes.My dear old mum is thinking of buying an electric TRICYCLE.
Recommendations and suggestions welcomed.
I'd expect she'd like to test ride one, so retailers in south west London/Surrey would be helpful.
Great thanks.Upright trikes are famously unstable, needing more balancing skills when cornering than a bicycle.
An etrike with plenty of weight on the rear axle might be a bit more stable.
Me neither, but people do ride them.Great thanks.
I've suggested strongly she test ride one first. Doesn't sound that safe to me.