Electric conversion or new e-bike?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 30, 2019
In my search for a utility-type bike to carry a child on the back and with a frame-fixed high-capacity luggage rack on the front I have narrowed it down to three options:
- Bicicapace Classic (the discounted model I’ve found has a Tongsheng mid-drive motor)
- Gazelle Puur NL (front hub motor)
- Convert Elephant Bike (old Pashley Mailstar) to electric (I wouldn’t do it myself but would get it done in a bike shop)

Any views on the any of the above would be really helpful. They are all coming in at around £1200 -1500 (including cost of the Elephant Bike for the conversion).

At the moment my preference is to get the Elephant Bike converted; I’ve had a quote for a front hub motor (Sparticle Overdrive). My instinct is that I prefer the feeling of a rear hub motor but I can see the advantages of converting with a front hub (the front forks will apparently need replacing and the roller brakes would be replaced with hydraulic disc brakes). Again, if you have any advice or suggestions it would be much appreciated! It’s for mainly urban riding with some gravel/bumpy tracks.

Many thanks