
Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 16, 2020
Hi guys,
would you be able to give me an advice on my electric Carrera Vengeance (current model). The bike is over a year old but covered less than 100 miles from new and is still in new condition. There is no warranty with it unfortunately.
Everything was fine with it at the beginning but later on i started to have intermittent problem. The controller was flashing sometimes (code 00 was flashing on the screen which means CONTROLLER COMMUNICATION PROBLEM) and there was no power when pedaling. This problem was on and off, if you leave the bike overnight it starts ok in a morning and you can cover 2-3 miles until the problem comes back. I tried to disconnect the battery, disconnect the controller, disconnect the motor but nothing worked. I had this problem for about three weeks and then i had to go abroad for two months.
When i came back after two months i started the bike and took it for a ride. The screen is not flashing anymore however there is no power when pedaling. Controller shows the speed as it should, no error codes however no power when pedaling.
I bought another electric Carrera Vengeance, exactly the same one (fully working donor) and tried to swap the following parts: controller, battery, rear wheel with a motor and a crank sensor. All these parts work absolutely fine in a donor bike and when i took all these parts from a donor bike and put them on my bike the problem didn’t go away, there is still no power.
So i presume there is no problem with controller, motor, battery or sensor. And now i am lost…..
Why my Carrera doesn’t work? Would you be able to give me an advice what else should i try to replace or how should i try to find a problem?
To resume: no power when pedaling. The screen is not flashing, no error codes. Tried another controller — no power, tried another battery — no power, tried another motor — no power, tried another crank sensor — no power.

Doc Ritchie

Just Joined
Oct 5, 2020
I am sorry i can't help you but i have the same bike and have had so much trouble with it. dirt in the mechanism by the pedals, disconnecting cables, and worst of all, bad brakes. it is my only means of transport to and from work so you can imagine how much that sucks. we need to warn people off these crap bikes.
