We reported a few weeks back on the main site about an electric bike ride being organised for MEP's in a few weeks time.
The details of the press release is copied in below. I've highlighted an interesting paragraph in bold. Hopefully we can bring you more details on the outcome of the discussion after the event.
Every year in September, the European Union dedicates a week to mobility. The sixth edition of this European Mobility Week takes place from the 16th to the 22nd under the theme “Streets for People”. ETRA, the European trade association for twowheel retailers, seizes the opportunity to introduce the electric bike to Members of the European Parliament.
With this year’s theme, the EU wants to propagate the message that increasing road space for cars is not the answer to existing transport challenges. On the contrary, reducing road capacity for cars can represent a sustainable, efficient solution and also allows healthier lifestyles for all citizens without reducing individual mobility. With this theme, the EU wants to encourage local authorities to reallocate some road space to non-motorised traffic.
The bicycle in general and the electric bike in particular fit perfectly well in this picture. Today, millions of people suffer from air pollution, traffic congestion, failing traffic safety, noise, bad health, … while our entire planet is under threat as a result of climate change. These are major problems for which cycling can be part of the solution. A part, which so far, has been greatly underestimated. Just one example: findings of the Dutch Cyclists’ Federation show that if all car journeys up to 7.5 km would be replaced by cycling trips, CO² emissions would decrease by 2.4 million tons per year. That is 6% reduction of Dutch car traffic emissions and 1/8th of the Dutch objectives in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol.
A huge part of transport not suited for urban areas can be very easily avoided. According to the European Commission’s Statistical Pocketbook 2001 “EU Energy and Transport in Figures”, every European makes circa 3 trips per day of which about half are up to 3 km. Moreover, about half of all car trips are 6 km or shorter. These figures clearly demonstrate that the potential for substituting car trips by cycling, walking and public transport is huge.
The electric bike is particularly appropriate for convincing die-hard car drivers to leave their vehicle aside for short distances because it overcomes a number of “popular” objections against cycling. Electric bikes allow for rides without getting out of breath and without sweating regardless whether the ground is flat or hilly. The average speed of an electric bike ride is 24 km/h compared with 17 km/h on a traditional bicycle. Commuters opt for the car rather than for the bike as soon as they have to travel more than 7 kilometres. Since electric bikes make rides easier and quicker, commuter trips up to 15 km one way are within reach. Electric bikes also considerably facilitate shopping by bike and carrying children.
Since a few years, sales of electric bikes are coming on. Last year in Holland, almost 40,000 electric bicycles were sold. In the first 9 months of 2006, sales increased by 60% compared with the same period in 2005.
Nevertheless, the electric bike concept still needs to be made widely known, for instance in the European institutions. That is why ETRA has decided to organise, in the framework of the European Mobility Week, an electric bike ride for Members of the European Parliament and contacts at the European Commission.
On Wednesday 19 September, the party will set out for a 1.5 half hour ride from and to the European Parliament. The Brussels organisation “Pro Vélo” will set out a challenging route in the capital aimed at showing the possibilities of electric bikes. To date, the Accell Group, Giant, Biketec and Electronic Bicycle Development (EBD) have agreed to put electric bicycles at ETRA’s disposal for the ride. Several other companies are still considering their cooperation.
ETRA wants to seize the opportunity to draw political attention to electric bicycles. In the position paper submitted in anticipation of the Green Paper on Urban Transport, which will be published next September, ETRA already formulated two specific demands concerning electric bikes. The EU clean vehicle procurement obligations should be expanded to include bicycles and electric bicycles. Furthermore, the EU should promote the development of a clean vehicle market that includes electric bicycles.
The ride will also be an opportunity to bring up the current technical limitations in the type-approval Directive for mopeds and motorcycles for discussion. As a result of this legislation, the motor output of electric bikes cannot exceed 250 W and the motor must be automatically cut out at a speed of 25 km/h. If these limitations are exceeded, the vehicle is considered a moped instead of a bicycle. The creation of a European framework for financial incentives for this clean vehicle is another issue that can be broached.
Furthermore, the European Greens have asked ETRA to contribute to their bike/mobility action in the framework of the European Mobility Week. That event takes place on Tuesday 18 September 2007. It consist of a bike ride, in cooperation with Brussels cyclists’ associations, which includes among other things demonstrations of the combination bike + public transport. The party will also pay a visit to the Brussels Mobility Minister Pascal Smet. He will be reminded that the Velo-city conference in Brussels in 2009 arouses some expectations with reference to cycling infrastructure in the Belgian capital.
The details of the press release is copied in below. I've highlighted an interesting paragraph in bold. Hopefully we can bring you more details on the outcome of the discussion after the event.
Every year in September, the European Union dedicates a week to mobility. The sixth edition of this European Mobility Week takes place from the 16th to the 22nd under the theme “Streets for People”. ETRA, the European trade association for twowheel retailers, seizes the opportunity to introduce the electric bike to Members of the European Parliament.
With this year’s theme, the EU wants to propagate the message that increasing road space for cars is not the answer to existing transport challenges. On the contrary, reducing road capacity for cars can represent a sustainable, efficient solution and also allows healthier lifestyles for all citizens without reducing individual mobility. With this theme, the EU wants to encourage local authorities to reallocate some road space to non-motorised traffic.
The bicycle in general and the electric bike in particular fit perfectly well in this picture. Today, millions of people suffer from air pollution, traffic congestion, failing traffic safety, noise, bad health, … while our entire planet is under threat as a result of climate change. These are major problems for which cycling can be part of the solution. A part, which so far, has been greatly underestimated. Just one example: findings of the Dutch Cyclists’ Federation show that if all car journeys up to 7.5 km would be replaced by cycling trips, CO² emissions would decrease by 2.4 million tons per year. That is 6% reduction of Dutch car traffic emissions and 1/8th of the Dutch objectives in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol.
A huge part of transport not suited for urban areas can be very easily avoided. According to the European Commission’s Statistical Pocketbook 2001 “EU Energy and Transport in Figures”, every European makes circa 3 trips per day of which about half are up to 3 km. Moreover, about half of all car trips are 6 km or shorter. These figures clearly demonstrate that the potential for substituting car trips by cycling, walking and public transport is huge.
The electric bike is particularly appropriate for convincing die-hard car drivers to leave their vehicle aside for short distances because it overcomes a number of “popular” objections against cycling. Electric bikes allow for rides without getting out of breath and without sweating regardless whether the ground is flat or hilly. The average speed of an electric bike ride is 24 km/h compared with 17 km/h on a traditional bicycle. Commuters opt for the car rather than for the bike as soon as they have to travel more than 7 kilometres. Since electric bikes make rides easier and quicker, commuter trips up to 15 km one way are within reach. Electric bikes also considerably facilitate shopping by bike and carrying children.
Since a few years, sales of electric bikes are coming on. Last year in Holland, almost 40,000 electric bicycles were sold. In the first 9 months of 2006, sales increased by 60% compared with the same period in 2005.
Nevertheless, the electric bike concept still needs to be made widely known, for instance in the European institutions. That is why ETRA has decided to organise, in the framework of the European Mobility Week, an electric bike ride for Members of the European Parliament and contacts at the European Commission.
On Wednesday 19 September, the party will set out for a 1.5 half hour ride from and to the European Parliament. The Brussels organisation “Pro Vélo” will set out a challenging route in the capital aimed at showing the possibilities of electric bikes. To date, the Accell Group, Giant, Biketec and Electronic Bicycle Development (EBD) have agreed to put electric bicycles at ETRA’s disposal for the ride. Several other companies are still considering their cooperation.
ETRA wants to seize the opportunity to draw political attention to electric bicycles. In the position paper submitted in anticipation of the Green Paper on Urban Transport, which will be published next September, ETRA already formulated two specific demands concerning electric bikes. The EU clean vehicle procurement obligations should be expanded to include bicycles and electric bicycles. Furthermore, the EU should promote the development of a clean vehicle market that includes electric bicycles.
The ride will also be an opportunity to bring up the current technical limitations in the type-approval Directive for mopeds and motorcycles for discussion. As a result of this legislation, the motor output of electric bikes cannot exceed 250 W and the motor must be automatically cut out at a speed of 25 km/h. If these limitations are exceeded, the vehicle is considered a moped instead of a bicycle. The creation of a European framework for financial incentives for this clean vehicle is another issue that can be broached.
Furthermore, the European Greens have asked ETRA to contribute to their bike/mobility action in the framework of the European Mobility Week. That event takes place on Tuesday 18 September 2007. It consist of a bike ride, in cooperation with Brussels cyclists’ associations, which includes among other things demonstrations of the combination bike + public transport. The party will also pay a visit to the Brussels Mobility Minister Pascal Smet. He will be reminded that the Velo-city conference in Brussels in 2009 arouses some expectations with reference to cycling infrastructure in the Belgian capital.