E-Recumbents or Powered trailers ?


Jun 9, 2008
Been looking over some posts here regarding the recumbent again as possible option mainly because I've gotten somewhat worse and struggle on hills on reg bike now ( the few times I've been able to use it )

I've noticed few posts regarding powered trailers as opposed to having the kit on the actual recumbent and was wondering , for any one here whose experimented or tried this, what they think - at this point - is the best way to go ?

Im primarily more interested in the short wheel style that has the pedals higher up than the seat as I think this would be easier on my disability .

Given the cost of most recumbents easily being over 1000 Im not sure how economical this but given the price of the kit as well , the only real plus over the eco scooter Im on hold for is the exercise and the range.

If there was a way however I could use something like that trailer to get the best of both worlds and more juice i.e. speed and range ( esp up hills or off road ) I mightbe tempted to try it , thats is if I could find appropriate back up service here in the uk / highlands where I am.

It was in the back of mind that there might be electric recumbents i.e. without need of kit but I doubt even if they do exist their going to be any cheaper - porbably more expensive - than kit conversion.

thanks again
