The term e-bike is perfectly correct when applied to an EAPC. However, many other vehicles can also be correctly labelled e-bike as well, so it isn't a correct term where you want to be precise about the legal status.
Even using the term 'legal e-bike' isn't strictly correct; most 'illegal' (non EAPC) e-bikes are not illegal as such, just being used in an illegal way.
Agreed I was speaking in precise legal terms, but in English those are the only terms that matter for trouble free usage here.
So I disagree that e-bike is perfectly correct for an EAPC, since it is so wide open to the misunderstanding and misuse we are currently suffering from.
Remember that the start point in our law is that any vehicle with any form of motor drive is a motor vehicle in law, unless it has a specific exemption from Type Approval. There is no such exemption for e-bikes, so linguistically as well as legally they are motor cycles.
The relevant exemption is for "pedal cycles with pedal assistance", if they satisfy the limitations of the exemption.
My advice if ever stopped by a police officer or other authority is never say the machine is an e-bike, just say it is an assisted bicycle, if necessary adding that it is exempted from motor vehicle laws.