On the TV I thought she came over as a very nasty person with a massive chip on her shoulder,certainly not PM material.
I think it's academic who leads the Labour party into a general election, even with God in charge they'd lose. Quite simply the loss of Scotland to the SNP and the weakening of Labour in Wales has left them with impossible arithmetic, small c conservative England not containing a large enough labour element to get there.I would choose Corbyn,he seems an honest guy,well intentioned but he is too lefty to ever gain the middle ground and that wins UK elections.
There's huge resistance to the boundary change, after all, why would the Conservatives in power implement their own downfall. It has to be carried through in the end, but the Conservatives are past masters at tweaking such changes to get a result that suits them. I also question whether this small reduction could shift the demographics sufficiently. The original proposal of 500 might have done it.You forgot about reducing the number of MP's to 600 and changing the boundaries again.