They are very different e-bikes. The Cytronex seems to be for the cyclist who wants a degree of help primarily for hills, headwinds and the like on a very light efficient bike that makes the best use of the pedalling power. However, the small battery capacity won't deliver moped like power all the time for very long and the bike limits when power is available to between 5 to 15 mph at best .
The Wisper makes it optional, use of power freely whenever wanted over a much wider band of speeds, the battery having 3.5 times the capacity so able to keep up high power for that much longer.
I think the Wisper will be faster for Mr Average since it powers from a standstill which combined with pedalling gives very fast acceleration, but the Cytronex could be faster overall for the very strong cyclist who could make the best use of it's lighter weight and full sports bike characteristics to ride well above the motor assist speeds. I've seen no evidence for that yet though, the reported average speeds from early adopters no better and usually below what the Wisper 905se can commonly achieve.
However, the feel of a bike is very important, especially for regular daily riding where it's best to be completely happy with it, and as ever, there is no substitute for riding them both. If it's at all possible to take the time to go for trial rides, that's definitely the best course when choosing any e-bike.