Cyclamatic battery queries


Oct 2, 2011
Hi, I have an four year old battery that has started cutting out whilst going up hills. It only works if I turn the key to off then on again. Its been fully charged up before I set out so there should be plenty of juice in it. Just in case this was an indication that the battery was nearing the end of its life, I went ahead and bought a new one and this has been charging up for at least three hours and the small LED has still not turned green (does it normally take this long to charge up a new battery? I thought they came fully charged).


Oct 25, 2006
No, new batteries don't come fully charged and can take a very long time on the first charge. I remember a not very large one that on first charge took almost five and a half hours. I think you'll find your new battery will complete the charge ok.

The type of cutting out you describe is exactly that which happens when a battery is nearing the end of life due to cells starting to fail, and four years for a low price bike's lithium battery is a very good life, regardless of how much it's been used.
