20" non-folding electric bike which seems to receive good reviews. I like the geometry, but this doesn't seem to be a best way to choose the bike. It comes with Bosch Active Line motor.
My main question is how reliable it is likely to be? Here (Warwickshire) it is not easy to find a workshop that will happily service electric bikes they don't sell. Is it likely to be difficult to repair (find components?) Full specifications are here: https://www.corratec.com/bikes/e-bikes/corratec-life-s/bike/ap5-bk25362/ I am going to use it mainly during the bad weather. There are quite a few hills around, I am not very heavy (a little under 60kg) and not very tall - about 5'6".
My main question is how reliable it is likely to be? Here (Warwickshire) it is not easy to find a workshop that will happily service electric bikes they don't sell. Is it likely to be difficult to repair (find components?) Full specifications are here: https://www.corratec.com/bikes/e-bikes/corratec-life-s/bike/ap5-bk25362/ I am going to use it mainly during the bad weather. There are quite a few hills around, I am not very heavy (a little under 60kg) and not very tall - about 5'6".