I'm building a small electric trike for my 7 year old.
I plan to use a Bafang 250W hub motor in a 20" wheel for drive, I have this already and its the un-sensored version.
The trike will not have pedals (and will only be used off the public highway).
Can anyone advise on a good controller and throttle to buy?
With the motor being un-sensored and having no pedals I need the controller to be good enough to start up properly from a standing start.
I would also like to rig up reverse if at all possible, although I recognise this might not be very easy, since bikes don't tend to often have reverse!
Any good ideas on this would be welcomed!
As this is really just a bit of fun I don't want to spend too much, so a cost effective solution would be great.
I will probably use two 12V sealed lead acid batteries for power, LiPo would be nice but probably cant justify the expense.
Thanks in advance for any advice offered!
I'm building a small electric trike for my 7 year old.
I plan to use a Bafang 250W hub motor in a 20" wheel for drive, I have this already and its the un-sensored version.
The trike will not have pedals (and will only be used off the public highway).
Can anyone advise on a good controller and throttle to buy?
With the motor being un-sensored and having no pedals I need the controller to be good enough to start up properly from a standing start.
I would also like to rig up reverse if at all possible, although I recognise this might not be very easy, since bikes don't tend to often have reverse!
Any good ideas on this would be welcomed!
As this is really just a bit of fun I don't want to spend too much, so a cost effective solution would be great.
I will probably use two 12V sealed lead acid batteries for power, LiPo would be nice but probably cant justify the expense.
Thanks in advance for any advice offered!