Control box cabels


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 5, 2007

I just bought a 36v TK-Hansa electric bike on Ebay. The bike is fine, but there is only a Pedelec system (It feels when the pedals are moving).
There is unfortunately no hand throttle built in.

I opened the box where the controller is hidden and found a few un-used cables. I strongly suspect that the unused 3-cable (no.2) in picture is meant to be connected to a hand throttle....I would like to use it.
My questions are:
1. What do you think cable 2, 3, 8 & 9 are meant for? The must have some function. Where can i attach a throttle?
2. Would it be possible to connect the front and back lights to any of the cables, and if yes-which ones and should I use a resistor? (Unless I find a 36V lamp...)
Thank you very much for your help!



Oct 25, 2006
It's impossible to be precise without colour code information from the supplier, but I think number two is the throttle connection for a Hall effect twistgrip throttle.

At a guess, the red wire of the connector will be the positive 5 volt and the black the negative, but I'd suggest you risk trying the three wires on a throttle in rotation until you get the working mode with the throttle rotation in the right direction.

I can't give any lights information anyway, since much depends on what sort of lights, LED or filament, high or low voltage, that you want to use. High voltage multi LED types would be easiest since you could just run those off the battery supply.

Two low power single LED types could be supplied by the throttle 5 volt power line.

Otherwise it's just a guess unless you find someone who can read Chinese script.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 5, 2007


Thank you for your feedback: I really appreciate it! I will experiement later tonight. Hope nothing burns up :D

Wish you a nice evening,


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
A word of caution! Most throttle assemblies now seem to use a Hall effect sensor, rather than a potentiometer, so they will be polarity sensitive (you may well blow the sensor by reversing the wires).

The wiring diagram looks very much like the one from Goldenmotor (see here: hub motor, brushless dc motor, electric bike, power wheelchair,wheelchair joystick controller,e-bike conversion kit, golf trike, electric bicycle and scroll down to the pictures of the controller). If this is the one you have, then the wiring instructions can be found here: Page Title.



Oct 25, 2006
Thanks for the help on that Jeremy, there is a risk in trying by trial and error as I observed, but I've got away with it on Hall sensors previously, they seemed quite robust, but I might have been lucky.