Hello All,
Thanks for having me on the forum! I am very new to ebikes and have been reading the forums (prior to joining) and have picked up some useful info!
I am looking for a e-bike for my commute. It's roughly 8 miles each way (through London) and has one pesky hill, other than that it's pretty flat! The idea of cycling is an attractive one, but arriving sweaty isn't so an e-bike seems the perfect way to go.
I am 6 foot and about 11 1/2 stone.
I am currently trying to decide between:
Thanks for having me on the forum! I am very new to ebikes and have been reading the forums (prior to joining) and have picked up some useful info!
I am looking for a e-bike for my commute. It's roughly 8 miles each way (through London) and has one pesky hill, other than that it's pretty flat! The idea of cycling is an attractive one, but arriving sweaty isn't so an e-bike seems the perfect way to go.
I am 6 foot and about 11 1/2 stone.
I am currently trying to decide between:
- Getting a new e-bike for my communte (Budget up to £1000)
- Converting my currently bike with a converter kit for the commute. I currently have a 6KU Fixie (https://www.bricklanebikes.co.uk/6ku-complete-bike-beach-bum)